Sunday, June 16, 2019

Wishing all a Fabulous Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to all of the men who spend time, energy, and love on their kids (biological or by choice). #MuchLove


Saturday's Wrap-Up
Batting Average: 0.477
  1. Angels at Rays
  2. Diamondbacks at Nationals
  3. Brewers  at Giants
  4. Red Sox at Orioles
  5. Blue Jays at Astros
  6. Indians at Tigers
  7. Pirates at Marlins
  8. Rangers at Reds
  9. Royals at Twins
  10. Yankees at White Sox
  11. Cardinals at Mets
  12. Phillies at Braves
  13. Padres at Rockies
  14. Mariners at Athletics
  15. Cubs at Dodgers
Sunday's Matchup
  1. Texas vs. Cincinnnati - rain delayed at press time
  2. Boston vs. Baltimore - let me be wrong, please!
  3. LA Angels vs. Tampa Bay
  4. Cleveland vs. Detroit
  5. St. Louis vs. NY Mets
  6. Pittsburgh vs. Miami
  7. Philadelphia vs. Atlanta
  8. Arizona vs. Washington
  9. NY Yankees vs. ChiSox
  10. Toronto vs. Houston
  11. Kansas City vs. Minnesota
  12. San Diego vs. Colorado
  13. Milwaukee vs. San Francisco
  14. Seattle vs. Oakland
  15. ChiCubs vs. LA Dodgers
Lady Grid out.

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