Saturday, January 4, 2020

Wild Card Weekend!

Well, well, well. No one knows exactly what's happening with my Dallas Cowboys: will he, or won't he be the HC in 2020? I'll just stay in my lane and not weigh in on what I think should happen. Moving on.

The Lady's Observations:

  1. Dak's contract - he's a productive QB and has done his beloved momma Miss Peggy proud: pay him.
  2. Ezekiel Elliott - he has loss productivity and has questionable activities away from the field
  3. Randall Cobb - gifted WR did not come to Big D to be sitting around his house in January/February.
  4. Signing Michael Bennett - interesting attitude about the "Star-Spangled Banner" and life in general although he is a fellow Aggie and Former Student. Tsk. Get him out of the locker room before he poisons attitudes.
  5. Multiple meetings this week - press keeps talking about plans instead of teams actually in the playoffs.

AFC Wild Card Game

Buffalo at Houston
Tennessee vs. New England

Yes, the reigning Super Bowl Champions are playing in a wild card game this evening. So many people say it's the end of the dynasty. Hand me my glass of Kool-Aid. Perhaps it will be in some ways after the season ends. I am not one of Pretty Boy's fans. Never have been. I hear he's a nice guy. That's great. Still not a fan.

Lady Grid out.

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